Employment Opportunity:
Long Term Sub
Ed Tech I, II, or III
RSU #89 Job Openings for 2022-2023 School Year:
1:1 Ed Tech II or III
Custodian/Bus Driver
PK-8 Physical Education/Health & Outdoor Ed Teacher
High School English/Language Arts Teacher
Contact Cheryl Anderson at canderson@rsu89.org for more details
RSU #89-Katahdin Schools Posting for Ed Tech II or III
Position Opening at Katahdin Schools
High School ELA Teacher
2022-2023 School Year
Using creativity, communication, critical thinking and collaboration skills, Summer Academy biologists build beaver lodges and investigate macroinvertebrates with Katahdin Woods & Waters National Park~
Summer Academy biologists using critical thinking skills to investigate macroinvertebrates at Katahdin Woods & Waters National Park~
Katahdin’s NHS students who helped the Rockabema Snow Sled Club host the Patten Academy Alumni dinner on Saturday July 2nd.
Thanks ladies!!
Job openings for the 2022-23 year at RSU #89:
Administrative Assistant - Elementary Office
PK- 8 Physical Education , Health & Outdoor Education Teacher
Custodian/ Bus Driver
Varsity Basketball Coach
Contact Cheryl Anderson, HR Administrative Assistant
canderson@rsu89.org or call 207-365-4272
Teaching application: https://5il.co/115kf
Non-Teaching application: https://5il.co/115na
Summer Academy learning about layers of soil and conducting an archeological at Katahdin Woods & Waters National Park~
The following press release explains RSU 89's summer nutrition program and the guidelines we will follow including times and locations. If you have any questions please email Denise Tapley at dtapley@rsu89.org. or you can call the school at 207-365-4285 and ask for Denise Tapley, Food Service Director, RSU 89. Thank you.
Thank you to our community who so generously gave scholarships to our seniors. The total amount of scholarships given out this year was over $40,000. Thank you again!
Annual Senior Walk through the Katahdin Elementary School~ Congratulations to Katahdin High School's Class of 2022!
Be sure to vote on our school budget today!
Grade 5 End of Year Auction~ Decision making, communication and negotiation skills at work!
There will be a school committee meeting on Thursday, June 16th at 5 pm at the KES cafeteria.
Current position opening at Katahdin Schools: 2022-23 School Year: PK-8 Phys. Ed, Health and Outdoor Ed Teacher
June 10th is the last day of school~ Students are dismissed at 11:15.
Have a wonderful summer!
Weight Lifting/Aerobic Room at KMHS will be open this summer starting June 13.
The program will be Monday, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 8am-11-am. the fee is $50. Hours can be flexible if needed. If Interested please contact Lisa Rush.
Shaun and Bill McAvoy will be hosting a Basket ball camp for grades 2-6 at KES from June 27-July 1. This is a free clinic sponsored by the summer school program. Out of district students are welcome. For more information contact Lisa Rush or Gail Pocock.